In my last post, I sounded a bit flippant about the man who crashed his plane into the IRS building. I apologize for that insensitivity.
Suicide is always a tragedy. Mental health treatment is stigmatized and under-addressed in our society, and under-funded by insurance coverage. When people are so desperate that they have nowhere to turn, and no one to talk to , it is very, very sad.
It is too easy to make light of people being angry at the IRS, and it was wrong of me to take that angle.
I have worked in the mental health field, and I wish there were ways for every individual and for our entire society to be able to prevent the needless, painful loss of suicide.
For the wonderful gentleman who pointed out the personal impact of my story, I have apologized personally, and to anyone else who was offended, I am truly sorry.
If there was any point to my last blog it was that I wish compassionate communication was available to all who need it.